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Emax RSII 2206 Brushless Motor (1700/1900/2700KV) - RC Papa

Emax RSII 2206 Brushless Motor (1700/1900/2700KV)

EMAX announced their newest motor line – RSII-2206 and RSII-2306. These motors are the evolution of the RS (Race Spec) ans LS (Lite Spec) series.

RSII motors have titanium hollow shaft, N54 arc magnets, single stranded cooper windings, open base and lightweight bell design.

Weight of the RSII motor is only 26 grams (without wires). EMAX promises outstanding performance and efficiency of these motors.

EZO bearing
Titanium shaft
Dual anodizing
16x16mm hole pattern
Single copper winding
115mm 20 AWG silicone wire

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