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ISDT Q8 Max BattGo 1000W 30A Smart Battery Balance Charger For 1-8S Lipo Battery

ISDT Q8 Max BattGo 1000W 30A Smart Battery Balance Charger For 1-8S Lipo Battery


The Q8 was an instant success, and the Q8 Max is ready to join the party! Capable of up to 1000W output with charge rates up to 30A, the Q8 Max is a true high-power charger - but still small enough to fit in your pocket and still bargain priced.

With more and more pilots moving to 6S packs, the extra charge rate of theQ8 Max will be a welcome upgrade - capable of 30A charge even on 8S, it could easily charge thirty 6S 1000mAh packs in an hour. And if you've got a pack you need to dispose of, the new "Destroy" mode makes it easier than ever to safely kill an old battery.

The all-new IPS screen and touch interface is the icing on the cake, making the Q8 Max the easiest to use ISDT charger yet.

Technical specifications:

  • Input voltage: DC 10-34 Volt
  • Input current max: 33A
  • Charge power max: 1000W (over 32V input voltage)
  • Output voltage: 0-34V
  • Discharge power: 30W
  • Charge current range: 0.1-8A
  • Discharge current range: 0.2-30A
  • Balance current: 1500mA/Zelle
  • adjustable cell voltage:  max 4.35V for LiHV
  • cell count: 1-8 LiXX, 1-7 LiHv, 1-16 NiXX, 1-12 Pb
  • weight: 288 g
  • Dimension: 95x95x45 mm
  • Display: 2.8" 240×320 IPS LCD
  • BattGO Support smart battery on input and output
  • updatable by USB
  • multilingual menu navigation

ISDT Q8 Max BattGo 1000W 30A Smart Battery Balance Charger For 1-8S Lipo BatteryISDT Q8 Max BattGo 1000W 30A Smart Battery Balance Charger For 1-8S Lipo Battery

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