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FVT Favourite LittleBee Spring 15A 4in1 BLHeli_S D-Shot ESC - RC Papa

FVT Favourite LittleBee Spring 15A 4in1 BLHeli_S D-Shot ESC


The latest in the next generation of space saving and light weight Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) from Favorite (FVT) the Spring 15AX4 (4in1) (2-4S).

This board is four 15A Dual N-FET design ESCs on a single micro sized board. This is great for centralising your mini-quads weight (getting the ESCs off the arms) and simplifying your wiring. Great for micro quads where space on your arms is limited and weight is a premium.

The super fast 48MHz Busy Bee MCU also means these ESCs will easily drive the newer higher kV motors with easy and supports all the modern protocols including Dshot.

This 4in1 esc comes with a typical ESC breakout cable (6pin JST to Servo Pin headers) and a 6pin JST to 6pin JST lead for those FCs that support it. The latter would make for a super clean build.

Continuous current: 4 x 15A
Chipset: Silabs EFM8BB21F16F
Oneshot125 Support: Yes
Oneshot42 Support: Yes
Multishot Support: Yes
Dshot Support: Yes
Bootloader: BLHeli
Firmware: BLHeli_S
Damped Light: Yes (always on)
Battery: 2-4S
Size: 27*27mm
M3 Mount Spacing: 20*20mm (the new micro sized spacing)

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