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Hobbywing Quicrun 3656 3800kv Motor for 1/10 RC - RC Papa

Hobbywing Quicrun 3656 3800kv Motor for 1/10 RC


Package includes :

Hobbywing Quicrun 3656 3800kv Motor

Summary : 

Its 4-pole rotor brings larger torque, higher efficiency and more output power.

Composed by high quality components: exquisite aluminum alloy motor shell, heat-resistant wires and magnets, and long-life bearings.

Dustproof design, at the location where motor leads exit, made QUICRUN-3656 suitable for SCT and buggies.

With high-quality gold-plated connectors have already been soldered on, all these made QUICRUN-3656 motor a plug-and-play masterpiece.

*** This motor is high speed or high torque motor,  please take precaution on gear ratio. Dont treat it as stock motor as it may overload the esc or motor itself.

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